Go Hunt Life

E041 Sells Entire Life on eBay and Buys a Caribbean Island - Ian Usher



Ian Usher is a minimalist traveler living and traveling all over the world but a few years ago he was just like everyone else. He owned a house, a car, a jet ski, a motorcycle and his home was packed full of stuff that didn't need so he decided to put his entire life for sale on eBay. The global media jumped on the story after the bid reached $2.2 million dollars and his story took off. The problem was that the huge bid came from a 15 year old...that didn't have $2.2 million. Not a problem though, he went to the next highest bidders but it turns out they really weren't interested either. The auction closed and Ian didn't have any legitimate buyers for his life. Dejected and without the money that he expected, he set out anyway to accomplish his goal. Not just one goal though. Ian set out to check off of his bucket list 100 goals in 100 weeks all over the world.  6 months into his travels, his house eventually sold and then the big call came from an agent in Hollywood. Disney was interested in buying the right