Go Hunt Life

E029 Startup Investor Jumps Out to Play Professional Squash - Mike Lewis



Mike Lewis had a life changing phone call. He had read an article about Evelyn Stevens who had quit her career on Wall Street to pursue a dream of being a professional cyclist and eventually made it to the London Olympics in 2012. He searched her out, found her number and cold called her unannounced and Evelyn answered. The advice she gave him changed his life. It was Mike’s, as he puts it, ‘When to Jump’ moment. “If I got hit by a bus today, how would I feel about the life that I had lived” Mike quit his job as a Growth Equity Investor for a Venture Capital firm and joined the professional squash tour. He documented his story and the stories of others along the way that had made similar decisions to leave a job that they had, to pursue a life that they wanted. Mike is now telling those stories in an upcoming book detailing the 10,000 unsexy steps behind making a jump. In this episode we discuss… That fateful phone call with Evelyn Stevens. Wall Street to the Olympics. What steps he took to quit his career as