Go Hunt Life

E024 Entertainment Executive Quits Lucrative Career to Chase the Full Moon - Theresa Gage



Theresa Gage was a Media and Entertainment Executive in Malibu California and had an incredibly successful career going when she made a career and life path pivot. Theresa had been climbing the corporate ladder for major companies like Pandora and Live Nation but she reached a breaking point. She quit her corporate job to travel full-time and write about it on her blog, chasingthefullmoon.com. She isn’t permanently ripcording out of the corporate life but her plan right now is to take a year away from work to travel, absorb all that goes into that and write about what it’s really like, not just post glamorous pictures on Instagram that look perfect. Midway through the conversation she says something that’s stuck with me. She was inspired by her mom that worked her entire life and saved for retirement only to pass away shortly after she finally retired. Theresa didn’t want that to happen to her so she’s pulled the ripcord on her executive life to get some clarity on what to do next. In this episode we cover...