This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

EP 57 How to grow money on trees, with Christy Whitman



“Money doesn’t grow on trees” is what we all learned as kids. But maybe it does. It depends on the story you’re telling yourself about the role money plays in your life. Christy Whitman returns to the podcast to talk more about “Green Energy,” aka money, and how to make it flow your way with unlimited abundance. Count us in! Christy challenges all of us to confront how we grew up thinking about money. Do you envy the rich? Do you spend money faster than you make it? Are you blocking it from coming to you at all? Chances are, your money story began long before you even realize, wrapped in old beliefs and fears we learned from our parents and families. It’s high time to break through all that so Christy is here to ignite our Money & Abundance pillars with practical tips and daily exercises that will unblock the flow of money and help us create happier relationships with it. Her new book, Quantum Success, outlines all the ways you can align with your purpose and passion, and take action to make your money dr