This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

Ep 35 Angela Manuel Davis: Honor Your Body



Body Love Reigns Supreme (that’s a Pillar story!) in today’s episode with mind-body-spirit warrior Angela Manuel Davis. From the very first moment they met Angela, Sheri and Nancy knew they had discovered someone very special. They say her SoulCycle class in West Hollywood is like “church.” It is a path to both enlightenment and a rock-hard butt. Angela joins Sheri and Nancy to channel some body and wellness wisdom from on high. Don’t miss it.   Angela’s core motivation is to tap into the energy from the universe and mix it with intensity and a no-excuses approach to fitness. She embodies the DreamTribe because she truly believes that hope is a choice and that the best is yet to come, for all of us. Angela gives Sheri and Nancy some tips on how to embrace the gift of our body and disrupt our comfort zones. Her advice lays the groundwork for not one, but two Pillars: Health & Wellness and Spirituality & Happiness. To Angela, they are intrinsically linked. She advises us all to take care of our inner te