This Is Fifty With Sheri And Nancy

Ep 20 DreamQuest 2018, Part 2



As Sheri and Nancy reflect on their 2017 DreamQuest pillars, they prepare for the year ahead. In part two of this two-part episode, they take a glance backward on some of the great successes of the year and realize how fun and joyous it was to live consciously with an eye on progress. In this episode, Sheri and Nancy get into the last three pillars: Creativity & Innovation, Friends & Family, and Adventure & Discovery. Nancy shares exciting news about a new job and Sheri decides she’s going to learn Italian. Amidst other reflections, they announce a brand new DreamQuest Pillar: Sanctuary & Beauty. What a way to start a new year! Takeaways: [5:12] When Sheri and Nancy look back on the pillars for 2017, they see how much it helps them to live mindfully and consciously. They’ve realized it’s totally fun to thoughtfully move towards your dreams. [7:20] Sheri is applying the Wabi Sabi lifestyle towards her own “golden cracks.” [12:12] Nancy’s Creativity & Innovation story is “new people, new pla