Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Analyzing Twitter’s Expanded Tweet Count with Madalyn Sklar



In this brief, solo episode (yeah, it’s just me) I share my thoughts on the new expanded tweets. It’s an excerpt from my recent post, What Will Happen To Twitter’s Brevity With Expanded Tweet Count? I’d love to know your thoughts about this big change to Twitter. Feel free to comment at the bottom of the page. It’s official. Twitter has expanded its character length from 140 to 280 characters. They did a test launch back in September that received a lot of criticism because let’s face it, 140 characters is what made Twitter, Twitter. Many users argued that increasing the tweet size would make Twitter less readable as longer tweets filled up the feeds. And as I mentioned in a previous blog post, Twitter does not need to become another Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. Twitter Releases 280 Twitter decided to go ahead and roll out longer tweets on November 7. They did this everywhere except for those using Japanese, Korean and Chinese, because character length is not an issue for those languages. Twitter says it’