Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Tapping Into the Power of Social Selling with Reid Robinson



Reid Robinson is a Social Media Business Strategist for Hootsuite. He leads social selling initiatives for both Hootsuite and some of the world’s largest brands. He’s also responsible for educating the global sales team on employee advocacy and leveraging the power of social selling to find more contacts, build better relationships, and ultimately close more business. In this episode, Reid shares with us some valuable Twitter insights that are focused on the importance of engaging with your contacts to create deeper and richer connections. He also talks about the concept of social selling and how you can integrate social media, especially Twitter, into your sales process. My favorite tweetable during our interview was when Reid said, "Twitter lists is my #1 favorite thing about Twitter. Create a list, call it 'Social Contacts,' and engage with at least three people daily." Your Call-To-Action: Your call-to-action for this episode is to set up a Twitter list called “Social Contacts” and add people you want t