Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Sharing Relevant Content Made Easy with Jonathan Abrams



Jonathan Abrams is the CEO and founder of Nuzzel. His company developed an app that has quickly become one of my faves. Nuzzel solves a problem we all have - overload of information on social media. It allows you to get personalized, relevant news from your friends on Twitter and Facebook without overwhelming you. Jonathan shares with us some insights into this amazingly helpful, free platform. It’s available to use on the web, mobile, and email. Jonathan holds an impressive career portfolio having worked at Netscape, started a few companies including Friendster, and having given a TEDTalk. He’s a true pioneer on the internet and in the social space. Episode Highlights: Nuzzel is a great content curation site that started off with Jonathan’s personal need for really good content. What makes the app unique is that it gets personally relevant news to you without having to do any work. Jonathan shares with us Nuzzel’s new feature which allows you to turn your Nuzzel feed into an automated newsletter with releva