Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Sharing Smart Tips & Apps with Kristi Hines



Kristi Hines is a freelance writer and is well known in the social media space. She writes for many of my favorite publications like Social Media Examiner, Sprout Social, Hubspot and many more. I love her blog. She has an amazing guide to over 160 Business & Digital Marketing Conferences for 2016. Kristi is a wealth of information and I am just thrilled to have her on the podcast. In this episode she shares her best Twitter tips like the importance of optimizing your Twitter bio and how Twitter search can help you locate new customers. Kristi also talks about some of her favorite tools like IFTTT and Rival IQ. There is so much helpful information jammed packed into this episode. I know you’re going to learn a lot. Episode Highlights: Optimize your Twitter bio for SEO just like you optimize your website. You are discoverable through the keywords you place into your Twitter bio. Hear Kristi share her advice on how to utilize this so you get discovered more easily. Check your privacy settings to make sure y