Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Listening Effectively & Searching Like A Pro with Joe Manna



Joe Manna describes himself as a community leader whose passion rests in online media. At the time of this recording, Joe was helping small businesses succeed by planning, creating and measuring online content for CRM provider Infusionsoft, where he pioneered the company’s social media program and led it to profitability and sustainability. He was also focused on leading Infusionsoft’s corporate blog program, providing measurement and insights to its content marketing performance, and creating remarkable content designed for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Joe is currently the Social Media Manager for Local Motors, Inc in Chandler, AZ. He helps create and amplify the stories and experiences of the company on social media, blending his passions between automotive technology, entrepreneurship and social media management. Today, he joins the #TwitterSmarter podcast to provide insights on effective ways to listen and search with Twitter. Episode Highlights: Unfollowing people on Twitter is a normal and