Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Robert Moore on Building Your Audience With Link Listening



In this episode I chat with Robert Moore of oneQube Technologies. His company’s Spider platform is a powerful listening tool that let’s you measure, analyze and build scalable databases of customers, prospects and influencers. His company’s tagline is “We Build Solutions for Social Business.” They also own, the largest free Twitter chat platform that powers 1000’s of Twitter chats every month. In this episode Robert discusses “Link Listening.” It’s a fascinating technique that will get you thinking about audience building in a whole new way. In this episode, here’s what Robert covers: His company coined “Link Listening.” It’s a powerful technique. Content attracts a specific audience. Connect with people who share your content. You can attract and engage with interesting profiles that are completely aligned with what your social business mission is. Find 100, 500 or 1000 of the right followers: provide them great content, engagement and amplification. It’s a key audience building techniq