Twitter Smarter Podcast With Madalyn Sklar - The Best Twitter Tips From The Pros

Twitter Success Tips with Madalyn Sklar



In this episode I share the importance of a good Twitter bio and why you should join Twitter chats.  Twitter Bio: You want to make it compelling and use all or most of the 160 character spaces.  Twitter Chats: They are a great way to connect with people. Twitter is like a big cocktail party. You want to Listen + Engage + Connect. These are the keys to your success.  Best tools to participate in a Twitter Chat: TweetChat or Cool Twitter Chats: #MediaChat - @MediaChat: Thursdays 10pm ET hosted by Aaron Kilby @Kilby76 #SproutChat - @SproutSocial: Wednesdays 3pm ET hosted by Sarah Nagel @Sprout_Sarah #ggchat - @GoGirlsMusic: Thursdays 3pm ET & 9pm ET hosted by Madalyn Sklar @MadalynSklar Your Call-To-Action: I want to hear from you! Have you updated your Twitter bio? Tweet me @MadalynSklar so I can see. What are your favorite Twitter chats? Let me know. When you reach out to me on Twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #TwitterSmarter.  One Click Tweet To Share The Love: Go here www.madalynskl