On Air With Stephanie Synclair

EP010: Properly Promoting Your Lifestyle Business and Stephanie’s 4 Travel Essentials



Do you see other people’s facebook travel photos and decide you need to visit there too? Why would you want someone else’s experience when you can design your own. If you take Stephanie’s advice you will do it right for you by keeping your business running at full steam while renewing your energy in a beautiful location. And by developing destination immersions you are able to help other people shift their businesses while you get a vacation and a tax write off.   Go to StartMyLeap.com to get Stephanie’s Top 5 Travel Destintions FREE!   Key Takeaways: [:54] Quantum Leaping is going to your desired place faster than ever [1:32] Tips and Tricks for traveling in this episode [3:54] People are shocked at how I am able to run my business on the road [6:52] I designed my lifestyle exactly how I want it to be [8:24] How to make your life, travel and business work together in harmony [10:20] Wealth creation through lifting your mindset with Stephanie’s free offer [10:56] How I successfully combine work and travel vir