Em Banho Maria

E33: Intuitive Eating with Evelyn Tribole



E33: Intuitive Eating with Evelyn Tribole EN: I am delighted to share this episode I recorded with Evelyn Tribole (instagram @evelyntribole), she is a registered dietitian and she is the author of 9 books and co-author of the best-selling Intuitive Eating, a mind-body self-care eating framework with 10 principles: 1. Reject the diet mentality 2. Honor your hunger 3. Make peace with food 4. Challenge the food police 5. Discover the satisfaction factor 6. Feel your fulness 1. Cope with your emotions with kindness 7. Respect your body 8. Movement - feel the difference 9. Gentle nutrition Intuitive eating is much more than “I eat what I want, whenever I want”. It’s an holistic approach that helps people to achieve a good relationship with food. I’d highly recommend you guys to read her books as we were not able to cover every single thing about IE but I can reassure you that we mentioned all the important topics to give you a solid background. Evelyn appeared in hundreds of interviews, including New York