About South

Rebroadcast | S01 Episode 16: Freedom



Every off-week this season, we'll be rebroadcasting some of our favorite stories from previous seasons. This week we're bringing you "Freedom" -- an episode that remains incredibly special to all of us on the About South team. On Mother’s Day in 1961, the Klan attacked 13 Freedom Riders by firebombing their Greyhound bus outside of Anniston. We close our first season by talking with Anniston Mayor, Vaughn Stewart, and Vice Mayor, Seyram Selase, about the Anniston Freedom Rider’s Memorial currently up for National Monument status. Stewart and Selase retell the story of the Freedom Riders and the bus burning and describe why recognizing this important landmark is significant for their town, the state of Alabama, and the nation. Special musical guest: Jaye Price Learn more about this episode at www.aboutsouthpodcast.com. About South is produced by Gina Caison, Kelly Vines, and Adjoa Danso. Lindsey Baker is our Marketing Director. Music is by Brian Horton. You can find his music at www.brianhorton.com. Learn