About South

S02 Episode 12: When The Stories Come Out



Located in Atlanta’s Historic West End, The Wren’s Nest is the historic home of Joel Chandler Harris, well-known for compiling and adapting the African American Brer Rabbit folktales. In the century since Harris’s death, the home has been converted into a museum and now serves as an anchor of the Atlanta arts community, especially in its neighborhood. This week, we met with Akbar Imhotep, the museum’s resident storyteller, and Kalin Thomas, its program director, to discuss the complicated history of the site and their vision for its future. We also discuss how storytelling can build relationships in communities, connect people with their heritage, and to help people heal. About South is produced by Gina Caison, Kelly Vines, and Adjoa Danso. Lindsey Baker is our Marketing Director. Music is by Brian Horton. You can find his music at www.brianhorton.com. Learn more at www.aboutsouthpodcast.com.