About South

S01 Episode 15: Red Buttons, Blue Dots, and Hey Mabels



This week, we met with Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Joey Kennedy to discuss this upcoming presidential election, southern politics, and the media. He explains how the “solid South” was created and why it’s important to view the South as more than a block of red states. As a journalist with more than thirty years of experience, Joey emphasizes how changing business models have affected the way that news is reported and the consequences of those changes on politics both regionally and nationally—most visibly, in the way that they have created the Donald Trump phenomenon. This week's music is from Stuart McNair. Buy his music at stuartmcnair.com. Learn more about this episode at www.aboutsouthpodcast.com. | Co-Producers: Gina Caison & Kelly Vines | | Music: Brian Horton | | www.brianhorton.com |