Conversations With Calcaterra

EP54 – Tim James (Health Coach) - Conversations with Calcaterra



“62% of all bankruptcies in the United States are related to medical bills.” – Tim James as stated on Conversations with Calcaterra “You have all the power to turn your health around, to get your energy back…to lose the weight. It’s not some mystical deal. You just drink water, clean out your gut and your organs and you put some good nutrition in you. Start off simple and you’re gonna get better.” – Tim James as stated on Conversations with Calcaterra What is the amount of fecal matter packed in your colon? How long has it been there? This is a scary question, but the answer is important to your health. Tim James is the founder and CEO of Chemical Free Body. His mission is to educate people on the dangers of manmade chemicals, harmful organisms and nutrient deficiencies. He teaches the importance of daily cleansing, whole food supplements and consuming fresh organic plant-based food. After growing up on the “Standard American Diet,” Tim found himself thirty-eight pounds overweight, tired, not sleeping we