Conversations With Calcaterra

EP28 - Julie Longyear - (Entreprenuer) - Conversations with Calcaterra



Which organ in the human body is the largest? Wait for it…this episodes guest is Julie Longyear owner of a Blissoma a company which manufactures and distributes holistic skincare and apothecary products, plant based which is good for the body and the planet. The skin is the largest and fastest growing organ of the body. Adults carry approximately 8 pounds and 22 square feet of the organ which protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature and permits the sensations of touch, heat and cold. Which is why we must take care of our skin and as it’s absorbent we must be careful of the products we put on it and limit the amount of chemicals which can damage internal organs. Julie speaks about healthy products and the trials and tribulations of an entrepreneur. She has been building her business for over a decade and has a wonderful story of perseverance. A few good resources from Julie to investigate the ingredients in cosmetics - http://www.npainfo.or