Conversations With Calcaterra

EP09 - Star Wars Roundtable - (Themed)- EXPLICIT - Conversations with Calcaterra



The new Star Wars flick is breaking all sorts of records and Conversations with Calcaterra is as well with more profanity then any other episode thanks to artist Steven Walden and reviewer Jeff Ritter. It was all in good fun and this conversation like many other episodes is layered and deep at that. Also joined by audio guru Matthew Ryan Sims we discuss Kylo Ren as a signature villian, Why the "bad guys" always use a sphere shaped weapon and Jeff Ritter portrays Macho Man Randy Savage as Han Solo. Would you like to own a copy of the 3D painting rendered by Steven Walden which is pictured on the thumbnail? Go to and register for his mailing and list and then go to iTunes and rate and review Conversations with Calcaterra and you're entered. Drawing will take place March 1st, 2016. Visit ken @ Special Thanks to our sponsors who have helped to bring you this episode. Kevin Blomenkamp of Blomenkamp Studios youtu