Modernity And Absurdity With Christian Perez

Modernity And Absurdity - Episode 4 - Daniel Delafe, Author Of Urban Jungle Mystic



It's been a while since our last episode. But it's been a crazy summer... I'm pleased to bring you my interview with a good friend, author Daniel Delafe. Daniel is Elizabeth New Jersey born and raised, and expresses himself through a variety of forms. He writes and plays music he writes poetry, and is currently working on a manuscript, he studies politics, spirituality, symbolism, history and a host of other topics. Daniel is a true renaissance man in that nothing disinterests him. This interview was recorded a while ago in the beginning of the summer, and it took place after the release of his self published book of poetry, "Urban Jungle Mystic". Available on Daniel is an interesting young mind and through his poetry we gain insight into his deepest thoughts and feelings. We get into Daniel's personal life, and we get a lot out of it. Although I may not agree with Daniel on a variety of subjects, we share many common interests and this outweighs any other disagreements we might have. So here i