Dating Confessions With Alisha & Jack

Oh My God Becky Why Does Your Vagina Hurt



Oh My God Becky Why Does Your Vagina Hurt The Season 4 Premiere Picture this, your in college and you decide to go to a frat party. It starts to get late so you are combing the from for someone, anyone to hookup with. You keep scanning the room to see if any one catches your eye. Then you lock eyes on the girl who looks a little homely, not really your type, but you think to yourself  a hookup is a hookup. As you start walking over to the girl she gets this smile on her face and can't seem to take her eyes off you. This is normally a good sign so he says hello and they share some small talk. One thing leads to another. You end up stairs to an empty bedroom. She starts to making out with you and attempts to undo your paints. Failing at that you decide to just do it for her. Things start getting hotter and hotter, her clothes start coming off and the time is now.    Your really starting to get in to it and she decides now is a good time to casually mention that she has never done anything like thi