Dating Confessions With Alisha & Jack

Who Keeps Nair And Lube In the Same Drawer



s03e20 who keeps nair and lube in the same drawer? Anyone who has ever used Nair will be the first one to tell you it feels nothing like lube. Just think, you're in the mood getting ready to have some mind-blowing sex and the person asks you to grab the lube out of the drawer. It's darkish and you are ready to have some fun so you open the drawer and feel around and grab a bottle. Do You Love Dating Confessions? Want to hear bonus episodes? If you answered yes to those questions there is only one thing to do, Click The Link and become a Dating Confessions Member today. Members have access to bonus episodes and the full member forum that includes a chatroom with private messaging. New Member will also get shout outs in an upcoming episode. LINKS: Website: Share Your Stories: Become A Member: twitter: Facebook: