Creative Studio - Podcasting Experiments

705: How to Find (and Be) Great Guests on Podcasts



Today’s episode of Podcasting Experiments features Case lane. Case is a speaker, entrepreneur and consultant. She also has a podcast called The Ready Entrepreneur and is  the author of the book Podcast Discoveries. We will talk about how we can utilize podcasting to help grow our business as well as how you can be a great podcast host and guest.  Getting Started With Podcasting Case decided to interview entrepreneurs and started out as a podcast host. Being a host allows you to have great conversations with other people, and, in many cases, they will tell you valuable insights you often would not normally hear. After a couple of years of hosting her own podcast, she decided to start being a guest on podcasts. She started promoting her book and as well as the services she provides.  Hosting a Podcast Case says she is at the very beginning of her entrepreneurship journey. So when she talks to entrepreneurs, that's where I want to focus. She often asks, “How did you get started?” because it often seems that