Be Bold With Beth Whitman

056 - Latoya Snell - The Running Fat Chef on being fat and fit, and dealing with depression and miscarriages



Ladies! Please join our Be Bold Facebook Group! Latoya Snell is a runner. She’s actually a self-described fat runner. A term she uses and embraces. Latoya started running on a lark, really because of an agreement she made with a friend. But once she started, she was hooked. Running literally changed her life. She was initially excited by having lost 100 pounds through running and getting fit. But what happened was she ultimately realized that just because she was thinner it didn’t make her any happier. So she decided to embrace her weight and keep running. As a fat runner, showing people that one could be fit and fat, she has become an inspiration to many. She started getting national attention with features and mentions in magazines and online and now has sponsors seeking her out. It’s not just that Latoya is a fat runner or that she’s OK with the word “fat,” those aren’t the only reasons I consider her Bold. It goes far beyond that. She’s also really quite open and honest about many things, as you’ll hear.