Cars Yeah With Mark Greene

095: Stanley Rose - Part One, an Automotive Artist from France



Part One of a Two-part Interview. Stanley Rose is an internationally acclaimed artist who has succeeded in attracting the attention and emotion of automotive art collectors from around the globe. He grew up on his family farm in Dorset, a rural county in the South-West of England. According to Stanly, one is born as an artist and at the age of 18 he was accepted at Stourbridge College of Art. His life has taken many turns and roadways however is passion is art and his paintings have been displayed in many shows around the world including Retromobile in Paris, Le Mans, Silverstone, Essen, Monza, and on the lawn at the Pebble Beach Concours where I first experienced his wonderful paintings in person. There he’s won the Concours’ top accolade, the Peter Helck Award, for his painting Nuvolari.  He’s a member of the Automotive Fine Arts Society and painting is his whole life.