Mile After Mile Podcast

74: Taryn Spates



In this episode of the Mile after Mile Podcast Amy interviews Taryn Spates about Alaskaman. Alaskaman is an extreme triathlon. It's a great story. Here are the discussion topics and then below you will find a transcription of the interview. What part of the US you call home these days and how you got your start in running and triathlon? What would you say is your favorite distance for races running only and also triathlons? What is AlaskaMan? How did first heard about AlaskaMan and what attracted you to the event? Do you like first time events? What was the weather like for your race day? Tell us about the AlaskaMan run and how your run went.  Would you do Alaskaman or another Extreme Tri again? You can find Taryn Spates online at She is also on Facebook as Taryn Spates and she is on Instagram @tpspates Taryn has written a book called 35 by 35 A Runners Quest. You can find that on Amazon. You can find full notes of this episode including a transcript at www.mileaftermilepodcast.c