Jon Rognerud Podcast

How To End Your Digital Marketing Worries - #052



You have a great business. You have a great team. You've been doing this for a good while, and loving it. Your customers, clients or patients love you too. There's just one problem... You're stagnant. You're not clear on your next steps. You know digital marketing is what you need more of. So... How do you move your business to the next level with consistency and predictability? And, with a plan you can understand and see the end results of? Hiring more staff creates too much overhead, overwhelm and loads of headaches in managing and "bossing" people around. Solution? You should consider hiring outside help (consultant, marketing agency, press firm, copywriter, website developer, designer, etc.) Today, I talk about WHEN you should consider hiring a digital marketing expert or firm to help you, and what it could mean for your business .... and frankly, your SANITY. WARNING: There is TOTAL bias in this episode :-) --- Interested in getting personally coached by Jon to develop traffic, leads and sales? ➡️ Click