Leading Girls With Wynter And Courtney

Mother Daughter Chat with Jesse and Wendy Henderson (Ep 68)



Wendy Henderson has been married to her amazing husband Jeff for 23 years.  Jeff is the pastor of Gwinnett Church, a campus of North Point Ministries.  They have two children, their daughter Jesse and son Cole.  Jesse is in her Junior year at Samford University and Cole is in his Senior year of high school.  Wendy has been a stay-at-home mom for almost 21 years now and has learned a lot along the way.  What she hasn’t learned from real life parenting experiences, she sought out through mentors and reflecting on the parenting of her own parents and Jeff’s parents.  Wendy is a self proclaimed Karaoke icon, who loves coffee shops, traveling when she can and time with friends and family.   Enjoy this fun chat with Wendy and her daughter Jesse on friendship!