Leading Girls With Wynter And Courtney

Overwhelmed Pressure and Being It All with Kay Wyma (Ep 19)



Kay Wills Wyma is a blogger, author, vodcaster and mother of five. Using raw and real stories Kay’s latest book, Not the Boss of Us: Putting Overwhelmed in its Place in a Do-All, Be-All World contemplates being overwhelmed by Truth with all its hope and peace and joy rather than life's pressures, stress & circumstances. Through it and her previous books, I’m Happy for You (Sort of … not really) and Cleaning House, Kay has appeared on Canada's The Social, the TODAY Show, CNN, The New York Times, Focus on the Family, Family Life and more. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, she held positions at the White House, the Staubach Company, and Bank of America. Kay lives in the Dallas area with her husband, Jon, and their family.