Leading Girls With Wynter And Courtney

Does Playing Really Matter with Rachel Ridge (Ep: 16)



Rachel Anne Ridge is a speaker, artist, and writer in Texas who adopted a stray donkey, naming him Flash. Together with her husband Tom, she bootstrapped her way through the Great Recession, raised three kids, and rediscovered her purpose in the midst of the everyday juggle of life. Rachel's book, Flash: The Homeless Donkey Who Taught Me About Life, Faith, and Second Chances, reveals how ordinary, (and sometimes hilarious) events help us find God’s purposes-- and experience His extraordinary care for us.   In this episode, we discuss playing with our kids. We talk about the real life struggle that it presents as a mom with real chores and other interests. However, Rachel looks back and shares ways she was able to still make play a part of her calendar and why it matters for our girls.   More about the episode at LeadingGirlsPodcast.com or connect with Rachel at RachelAnneRidge.com