Sell Or Die With Jeffrey Gitomer And Jennifer Gluckow

Follow This Process to Close MORE Sales!



In this episode of The Sell or Die Podcast, we’re discussing the importance of following up with your potential clients and the process you need to have to make a sale. The truth is most people aren’t making the sale in the first sales call which is why your ability to follow through is everything to your success. Many people think following up makes them seem naggy or annoying but successful salespeople should be doing something before the sale to prime the prospect and/or doing something after to follow up with them.  In the episode, we’ll talk about the importance of following up with your prospective clients and how the process of doing so will close more sales.  Points we will discuss include: Reasons why you may be hearing “No” from prospective clients   Why following through is key to closing more sales   Why you shouldn’t make assumptions     Don’t be a salesperson that gives up after the first sales call, if you truly have passion for what you are selling be willing to go the extra mile and cat