Let's Talk Possibility With Telana Simpson | Exploring What's Possible

Adventure in Africa in a Hillman Imp, with Terence Tracey



Terence Tracey and Geoff Biermann enjoy their cars. They specifically have quite a sweet spot in their hearts for the Hillman Imp, also known as the poor man’s porsche. They decided to drive one from Johannesburg, South Africa, the way through Africa and Europe to London. And they gave themselves a crazy deadline- travelling the 14000 km’s in less than 40 days! And what an adventurous story it is! I had a delightful morning with Terence, sitting in one of his imps from his collection, mesmerised by his adventure. If you’ve ever been curious about travelling in Africa and enjoy a good story and adventure, you’re going to enjoy meeting Terence as much as I have- there’s lots of pearls of wisdom that Terence shares along his story, so it’s well worth a listen! For more info about Terence and this Episode see:http://talkpossibility.innercoaching.co.za/adventure-hillman-imp/