Let's Talk Possibility With Telana Simpson | Exploring What's Possible

High cost of fracking for cheap gas, with Jeffrey Barbee and Mira Dutschke: Ep 125



Mira and Jeffrey talk with Telana about the issues and current developments that their research has found about this controversial issue of fracking and the oil and gas industry in Africa: What is fracking, shale gas mining and hydraulic fracturing? So what are the issues related to fracking that we should know about? What roles has "marketing of natural gas" played in hiding the facts? So what are alternative energy sources? What's happening with solar and wind farms in Africa? Here is the list of organizations mentioned in the show, that are working on the issue of  hydraulic fracturing, where you can voice your opinion and support them in their efforts: Treasure Karoo Action Group Environmental Monitoring Group Centre for Environmental Rights Federation for Sustainable development EarthLife Africa Avaaz has a Petition too For more info see: http://talkpossibility.innercoaching.co.za/high-cost-fracking-cheap-gas-jeffrey-barbee-mira-dutschke-ep-125 More info about the Documentary: "The high cost of cheap