New Spirit & Energy Healing Radio With Darius Barazandeh

Judy Calvey interviewed by Darius Barazandeh



What will 5D enlightenment mean in your life? Get ready for group energy healing like you've never felt before! Hear amazing one-on-one readings and a group energy self awakening! Julie Calvey has attained Full Enlightenment and Ascension. She has remained, by special invitation, in her 4D body in order that all of Humankind be guided safely into 5D and beyond. Join Julie Calvey for What your Soul Evolution is Telling You? In this Session with Julie you will discover what is your heart and soul's deepest desires and how to awaken to them, why so many people are Awakening to their true gifts, yet so many are also going into fear and destruction, what is really going on since the Galactic Opening (12/21/12) and how it effects us. Awaken and release blocks... can you imagine leaving low energy behind? Try it! Instant energy release and soul awakening processing! To get your free Energy Healing Kit and more go to: