The Web Platform Podcast

144: Vaadin - UI Components for Web Apps



Summary Amahdy AbdelAziz from Vaadin joins us to share stories of where Vaadin got its name and awesome logo! We also talk about some decisions Vaadin made when creating its latest set of components including why they chose Web Components and Polymer. This Week in Web News VueJS 2.5.3 released which includes a nice list of bug fixes Apple has recently put forward a proposal for HTML Template Instantiation which will allow developers to instantiate HTML templates with variable content in a similar way to how Angular templating works with curly braces Another pre-release of Babel 7 is now available, that’s 7-beta.31 TPAC 2017 happened last week where lots of people from W3C Working groups and other committees got together face-to-face to talk about the web platform - will be very interesting to see what came out of those discussions DotJS - Paris, France (30th November) FrontConf - Munich, Germany (8th December) The Rich Web Experience - Florida, U.S.A (5th December) Resources Vaadin GitHub Vaadin Elements