The Web Platform Podcast

135: hyperHTML



Summary This week Andrea Giammarchi joins us to talk about his latest project hyperHTML! A lightweight Virtual DOM alternative. Andrea talks us through what the project is all about and what he discovered about template literals to make it happen. We talk about how hyperHTML compares to Virtual DOM implementations and the similarities between hyperHTML and the newly announced lit-html.   This Week in Web News TypeScript 2.5 RC is now available which includes a new ECMAScript feature allowing you to omit the error variable in catch statements Only a couple of days left to submit talk proposals for NationJS a full stack developer conference happening in Washington, DC on December 1st this year A new site created by Rob Dodson called Custom Elements Everywhere has been released which scores popular JavaScript frameworks on their compatibility with Custom Elements The Polymer team announced lit-html at the Polymer summit, lit-html allows you to write HTML templates with template literals and efficiently render