The Web Platform Podcast

14: Web Components Interop and Polymer



Today, Web Components have emerged from cutting edge technologies to technologies we can implement in our small scale production. It won’t be long before we are building large scale applications with Custom Elements, HTML Imports, Template Tags, and the infamous Shadow DOM. In embracing this type of developer environment, with it’s flexibility and compositional nature, consider interoperabilty as a core concept.   If you need a custom element for a card layout, as an example, you should be able to use any Web Component out there in the ecosystem regardless of which library or toolchain it comes from. If the component provides the desired functionality and styling you would require it should work seamlessly in your application. Furthermore, toolsets should not limit the the extending and composition of these custom elements. In practice, this may or may not always be the case and library & toolchain creators will need to be aware of these concerns.   Rob Dodson (@rob_dodson), Developer Advocate on the Goo