The Web Platform Podcast

10: Mathematics & Dynamic CSS Visualizations



In the future, CSS visualizations will dramatically change. How they will change is debatable but they will enable developers to do a lot more than they may think. We may see custom properties like variables to further improve DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code & on-the-fly cascading calculations, CSS Extensions to create our own custom selector properties, custom functions, & custom selector combinations.  Some of these rules are even starting to be implemented in browsers today like “will-change” to pre-optimize changes in DOM structures and CSS Shapes. These will further help us define display, flow, & wrapping of content and it’s containers. CSS is moving rapidly and this is just the tip of what is to come for web development in the coming years or even months in some cases.   It used to be to create powerful visualizations in a browser you needed to use Flash or some non-standard tool to get the performance & consistency you needed from complicated animations. Today we have help in bridgin