The Web Platform Podcast

9: Web Accessibility for JavaScript Components and Custom Elements



In Episode 9, ‘Web Accessibility for JavaScript Components and Custom Elements’. Steve Faulkner (@stevefaulkner) from The Paciello Group and Marcy Sutton (@marcysutton) from Substantial discuss the lack of focus in product development today in building accessible applications & services. Many times web accessibility becomes an afterthought in creating a software product, having little prioritization from the business side until it is a problem. Retrofitting such an important part of our development can make web accessibility seem more like a chore with low ROI for the the time taken to implement it. It can be easy if developers know how to do it and hardly any work when it is successfully incorporated into a development process and it’s valued at the business level.   With recent advances in the past few years in JavaScript MV* frameworks like Angular, React, & Ember we are seeing the need for web accessibility more and more. Heavy JavaScript applications tend to provide little or wrong functionality