The Web Platform Podcast

8: Exploring Dart & Polymer



Dart was originally a Google language revealed in 2011 and is now an ECMA Standard known as TC52. When Dart first came into being it was annoounced it's purpose was to "ultimately to replace JavaScript as the 'lingua franca' of web development on the open web platform". It's a far stretch from JavaScript's flexible dynamic scripting approach in that It is statically typed and relies on source-to-source compilation. Now that Dart has evolved into a platform with it's own package manager, tooling, full stack implementations, & libraries,  it's community is growing and moving closer and closer toward it's original purpose.   Combined with powerful libraries like  “polymer.dart”, a Dart port of Polymer to build structured, encapsulated, client-side web apps with Dart and web components, can Dart become a first class browser language & the platform of choice for our development?   Chris Strom (@eee_c), our guest in this episode and owner of EEE Computes LLC, is a code explorer, daily blogger, and community