Dana-farber Cancer Institute

Beyond Cancer Episode #1: Family Dynamics



No one wants to give their kids bad news, and it’s hard to imagine something worse than telling your kids you have cancer. For lymphoma survivors Gina Johnson and Connie Grayson, the challenge was greater — because they not only had their own kids to tell, but as teachers, they also had a school full of children to navigate. Every kid reacts differently to the news, as Johnson recounts her discussion with her children. “We sat down at the kitchen table and my daughter screamed hysterically,” recalls Gina. “But my son just sat there. ‘Is that it?’ he said.” For Connie, the discussion was complicated by the fact that she had recently lost her own father to melanoma.“ My daughter had lost her grandfather to cancer, and then her mother was diagnosed with cancer, too.” Grayson says. “She was very, very angry.” Using both humor and honesty, Gina and Connie were able to help their own kids manage their anger and fear, and to also help the many kids whose lives they touch at their schools.