Bayer Crop Cast

CropCast Episode 13 July-August 2020



On this episode Market Development Agronomists Craig White, Ian McMaster, Tim Murphy and Gus MacLennan talk about the current seasonal conditions, pre-emergent herbicide activity/behaviour, trial work currently underway with 145 broadacre trials in over 80 locations around Australia, take a look here: Early weeds are the most competitive, so control them early for the most benefit. You can safely use Velocity® in wheat and barley from the 2-leaf crop stage, and Precept® for broadleaf weed control in Oats, Wheat and Barley from the 3-leaf crop stage. We talk in detail about Aviator® Xpro® (prothioconazole and bixafen) role and tips for managing key leaf diseases like Sclerotinia in canola, Septoria and Eyespot in cereals as examples. Leafshield™ (adjuvant system in Aviator Xpro) ensures even leaf distribution and rapid rainfastness, which is very useful at this time in the season. We