Precariat Content




Bio: Erin is a media artist informed by sound as a phenomenological experience. Using bio-sensors as a sort of interface her work explores emotional sincerity both as a composer and in videogame design. Her work is cerebral and politically engaged, but is nonetheless insistently physical and grounded in the body. Recording Notes: There is a good deal of rain in this recording. Too, Erin has the rich vocal timbre of an ASMR-tist so those textures combine to make this a pleasant interview to listen to, especially in the cavernous converted factory of Montreal’s Eastern Bloc gallery space where we took the recording. When I asked Erin to offer me an experiment upon which to base this episode’s bridging music she shared with me a dream she had of spitting, screaming, singing crystals. So you’ll hear my attempt to sound design that dream. I had assistance from Aug and their crystal collection, as source material for the sound design. You’ll also hear an excerpt from Erin’s 3rd person shooter VR experience that