Brand Newsroom

BNR 189: Your brand’s image doesn’t matter. Trust does.



Mike Edmonds has been in the advertising game for 40 years, including co-founding his own agency, Meerkats. He’s just published a book called Truth. Growth. Repeat: A Business Manual for Generation Why. It’s all about authenticity and it’s a practical guide to help brands embrace their own truth.   Show Notes Here are some key take-outs:   The consumer is now far more sophisticated and they will call you out when you’re inauthentic – what’s more, they have a platform to do it on, thanks to social media You need to understand your true purpose (or motive) for being in business. That can become your compass, to keep you on the right path People won’t buy from you just because you’re authentic, they will buy from you because of what happens when you run an authentically-driven company True purpose opens markets.   On My Desk Mike recommended the Naked Brand video Sarah recommended an article called Post-Authenticity and the Ironic Truths of Meme Culture Nic recommended a courier app called Zoom2U James sugge