Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

How to Lose Weight on 3 Meals a Day



Do you feel overwhelmed when trying to choose weight loss boundaries? Or do you fear that if you choose something as simple as "3 meals a day" for your boundaries, that you won't lose weight? On this episode of the Taste for Truth Podcast, I go over how to use 3 Meals a Day as an effective boundary for losing weight. How it Works For this set of boundaries to be effective for weight loss, you would need to: Eat only 3 meals per day, plus one or two snacks (if needed), Not have second helpings, unless planned, Try to eat as little as possible at each meal. How to Renew As with any set of boundaries, it is important to renew your mind when you break your boundaries. For the 3 Meals Per Day, boundaries, you would need to renew: Every time you have an extra meal or snack, Every time you have an unplanned second helping If you're still not losing after a couple of weeks, consider adding a 3rd time to renew your mind: every time you find yourself eating as much as possible rather than as little as possible. (Do