Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

How to Stop Overeating in the Afternoon - 7 Tips



When I ask women what time of day they most often break their boundaries, I usually get one of two answers: either mid-afternoon or evening. Since I've already done a couple of podcast episodes on how to end evening eating, today I'd like to talk about how to stop overeating in the afternoon. Let's begin by looking at why this is a tempting time of day. Who struggles with afternoon eating? While anyone can struggle with overeating in the afternoon, here are the most common groups of people: Stay-at-home moms Homeschool moms Retired people People who work from home: entrepreneurs, writers, etc. Homemakers I think the reason these groups struggle the most is because we're actually at home in the afternoon! Chances are good that people who work outside the home would love to start eating at 3:00 in the afternoon but their jobs prevent them from eating at that time. Although if you often pop down to the vending machine at work or in your college dorm around 3:00 in the afternoon, you know the struggle to stop o