Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Losing the Last 10 Pounds with Anne



Have you ever lost weight and then gained the last 5 or 10 pounds back? Or lost a bunch of weight and then stalled at the last 5 or 10 pounds? Join me in this victory and coaching interview with Anne as she talks about her weight loss victory and losing the last 10 pounds. Things we Talked About: Is setting food boundaries effective? How Anne finds time to do Bible studies and renew her mind How has the pandemic affected Anne’s eating habits? What would be a good reason to lose that last 10 pounds? What are the benefits of having self-control as opposed to just ignoring boundaries for a part of the day? How to follow your boundaries Anne’s biggest takeaway on what can help her get back on track to losing the last 10 pounds Quotable Quotes: Once I start controlling the food, I have more time and space to connect with God because I’m not overcome with guilt and I’m not trying to live in secrecy. - Anne Once I start making those little changes, other bigger changes that I want in life start to happen. - Anne R