Taste For Truth - Weight Loss Encouragement

Letting Go of Weight Loss Obsession with Anne



Do you ever feel like you have to be skinny? Do you obsess over what boundaries to choose? Do often find yourself with too many boundaries? If so, this podcast will help. Anne and I will be talking about how to let go of weight loss obsession. Things We Talked About: How to let go of the idol of skinny The dangers of seeing ourselves as “skinny” The dangers of seeing ourselves as “fat” Why we need to stop seeing ourselves as one-dimensional A helpful way to see ourselves How obsession with weight loss (the skinny idol) keeps us from losing weight Why it’s necessary to let go of weight loss obsession if you want to stop bingeing How junior high and high school is different than the rest of life (and why we need to start believing that!) The value of truth journaling through the past Lies We Talked About: I need to be skinny to be acceptable. If I’m not skinny, I’ll lose my friends. (One thing I forgot to mention on the podcast is this: If our friends will only like us if we’re skinny, how valuable is their